Ten World’s Cement Leaders Establish Organization to Stimulate Global Demand

2018年6月19日 WorldWide


Global leaders in cement manufacturing launch an international organization “Global Cement and Concrete Association” (GCCA). The founding members including Swiss-based LafargeHolcim, Cemex of Mexico, and Japan’s Taiheiyo held an event in London in May 25 and established the association formally.

GCCA was established with an aim to tackle global challenges in cement industry, boost demands and cooperate in R&D sector. Chief Executive of Irish company CRH, Albert Manifold was appointed as President. The founding members are leading companies from all over the world; CEMEX, CNBM, CRH, Dangote, Eurocement, HeidelbergCement, LafargeHolcim, Taiheiyo, Ultratech and Votorantim.