6 National Strategic Special Zones Designated

2014年4月8日 WorldWide


Japan selected six areas as the national strategic special zones where massive deregulations will be permitted. The areas include metropolitan areas surrounding Tokyo and Osaka, Niigata City, Yabu City of Hyogo Prefecture, Fukuoka City and Okinawa Prefecture. In the two metropolitan areas, development of high rise residential and office buildings will be encouraged by easing regulations such as total floor space ratio aiming at creating internationally competitive environment to invite foreign businesses.

Remaining four areas: Niigata, Yabu, Fukuoka, and Okinawa are considered as the virtual special zones, which promote specific industries; Agriculture in Niigata and Yabu; Employment in Fukuoka; Tourism in Okinawa.

The first designation was decided at the government’s panel chaired by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the evening of March 28. Details of the deregulations will be prepared by the end of April and the regional committees will then be established in May to form the project plans. (2014/04/01)