MLIT Leaders on Sales Trip to Asia While Japan in Long Holiday

2014年5月15日 WorldWide


Leaders of Land Ministry completed sales trip abroad intensively during the long holidays starting in the end of April. Minister Akihiro Ota, Deputy Ministers and other officers visited emerging countries in Asia to promote Japanese construction technologies and offered technical assistance on their future projects such as urban development and transport infrastructure building.
Minister Ota visited Mongolia and South Korea in April 27-29, while Deputy Ministers and secretaries went to Hong Kong, Macau, Vietnam, Singapore, Greece and Bulgaria. Mr. Ota also had a meeting with Myanmar Transport Minister who were visiting Japan, when he came back to Tokyo.
Minister Ota met Mongolia’s Prime Minister and several other ministers and exchanged a memorandum of understanding on technical cooperation in airport construction, urban transit, urban redevelopment and waste water treatment. (2014/05/07)