Data Base for Business Opportunity in Overseas Construction Market To Be Expanded

2014年5月23日 WorldWide


Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism will undertake investigation on foreign construction markets to expand the publicly access-free data base on the ministry’s website. The ministry intends to increase the number of countries and regions listed on the data base, considering adding countries in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America to current 18 countries mainly in Asia. The information is expected to include details of projects such as government-funded development, which is useful for projection of future investment in the countries.

The database has been opened since April 2013 and the information on overseas real estate markets was added in April 2014. The website provides information such as legislative system, construction licenses, master plans and projects in pipeline. The purpose is to offer useful information especially to small and medium sized companies that lack enough know-how outside the country. (2014/05/20)