PV Authorization Surges Ahead Feed-in-Tariff Cut in March

2014年6月2日 WorldWide


The number of solar power generation plants approved by the government hiked at the end of fiscal 2013 in March. Private businesses applied for authorization to avoid decreased fixed price for electricity generated by PV that was expected to be cut in the beginning of fiscal 2014.

According to data released by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of Japan on May 16, out of the total capacity of 36.51million kilo watt approved between July 2012, when FIT scheme started in Japan through February 2014, the record in the last month reached 7.74 million kilo watt showing 1.7 fold as much as in the same month a year earlier.

Rushing application by project owners is underpinned by the assumption that the tariff would be cut in fiscal 2014. It was decided in March that the price was lowered from ¥37 per 1kWh to ¥32. (2014/05/22)