JICA to Give Grant to Three PPPs Planned in Philippines and Myanmar

2014年6月3日 WorldWide


Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will give subsidies to Public Private Partnership projects in Philippines and Myanmar. The grant up to 150 million yen will be appropriated for expenses of investigation ahead of project realization. Groups of private proposers will work on establishment of efficient and highly potential plans of each selected project.

Two projects in Philippines are a small hydro in Wawa River in the province of Agusan del Sur by a group led by Chodai Co.; development of a center for ambulatory surgery and a general hospital by a group of Mitsubishi Corp., Azusa Sekkei Co. and others. In Myanmar, a group of Mitsubishi and five consulting firms including Oriental Consultants, Nippon Koei, and Nikken Sekkei Research Institute is considering urban transport construction and development in surrounding area of train stations in Yangon.

The scheme is a part of JICA’s approaches for promotion of Japanese infrastructure business export. By utilization of Japanese official development assistance, public and private sectors seek opportunities in collaboration to develop infrastructure in emerging countries. (2014/05/23)