MLIT hold the meeting addressing infrastructure deterioration issues

2013年10月24日 WorldWide


The committee for promoting development of technology of infrastructure monitoring held its first meeting on October 18, discussing the infrastructure deterioration issues. The committee intends to facilitate development and introduction of monitoring technologies by using sensors and Information Technology. The ministry will invite technologies from private experts.The committee members will give advises on them followed by on-site experiments.

The committee is aiming to obtain information on both what kind of technology can be offered and what kind is necessary in the field. Collecting knowledge from various sectors can create synergy, the ministry’s officer said at the meeting. Another officer noted that it is necessary to develop technologies capable of general use considering introduction at municipalities with small budget.

Monitoring technologies to be developed are defined as methods that can grasp change in conditions of infrastructure using sensors or IT. Combined with regular inspection, it helps to pick up or narrow down parts that need thorough check.

Public invitation of technologies will start after the next meeting in November. Once chosen by the committee, subjects of development will be tested in the field. (2013/10/21)