Study on Smart City Development in Peru Awarded to Japan’s Nikken Sekkei and Hitachi

2014年7月10日 WorldWide


Nikken Sekkei Research Institute (NSRI), a research body of Japan’s largest design firm has been awarded a feasibility study of Smart-City development in Lima, Peru through an international tender by Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). NSRI jointly with Hitachi Consulting USA will conduct the study in various sectors in the nation’s capital such as urban structure, architecture, energy, transport and environment with the aim to establish a framework of Low-Carbon City for the first kind of the models in South America.
The 10km2 area in the residential district of Lima has a population of 110,000, which has already initiated environment-conscious approaches such as area greening and renewable energy use. NSRI and Hitachi will offer supports to the city in realization of the concept after completion of the study.
APEC launched a series of Smart-City studies in 2011. The first phase took place in Yujiapu Central Business District (CBD) in Tianjin, China, followed by Phase 2 in Samui Island in Thailand; Phase 3 in Da Nang, Viet Nam. The project in San Borja of Lima will be the fourth. (2014/06/30)