Green Technologies to Be Applied to Cool Down 2020 Tokyo Olympic Summer Games

2014年8月27日 WorldWide


Various environmental technologies will be introduced at 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games showcasing Japanese advanced technologies both nationally and globally, said Ministry of Environment. Approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emission are to be taken when building sports facilities, while measures against summer heat such as cooling pavement are included in the plan. The ministry aims to take advantage of hosting the world-famous event to realize an environment-friendly city of Tokyo.

According to the plan revealed by the ministry, anti-heat island and anti-heat shock measures are proposed including water retentive pavement and mist spraying on the marathon course. To reduce CO2 emission, electric/fuel-cell vehicle will be promoted as well as use of renewable energy transmitted from other regions such as disaster-hit Tohoku region. Energy saving methods such as high efficient heating system and underground heat will be introduced in development of the sports venues. Application of low carbon technologies will also be accelerated in urban development.

The ministry together with relevant offices including Tokyo government will identify concrete measures, exchanging ideas and discussing methods. They will also request private developers to hire green technologies. (2014/08/06)