Japan to Loan Total 63.1 Billion Yen for Myanmar Infrastructure Projects

2014年10月1日 WorldWide


Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) concluded September 5 a Yen loan agreement up to 63.1 billion yen with Myanmar to fund four infrastructure projects such as railway renovation, water and roads.

Myanmar’s Ministry of Transport will rehabilitate part of the existing railway linking the nation’s two economic centers; Yangon and Mandalay with an aid of 20 billion yen. The deteriorated structures and system will be renewed in the section between Yangon and Tung.

The project’s aim is to improve safety and passenger capacity. The Yangon-Mandalay line has been suffering from frequent accidents happening 100-plus times a year due to deteriorated facilities. Consulting services will be hired soon, followed by announcement of an international bidding for a main civil contract in 2016. Completion is due in September 2020. (2014/09/09)