Land Ministry Starts Discussion on Long-Term National Plan for Land Development

2014年10月9日 WorldWide


Japanese Land Ministry started revising the national plan for land development to realize the government’s national long-term vision established in July, “Grand Design of the Land for 2050.” The plan is expected to integrate long-term policies and measures for local revitalization and land resiliency that are considered the administration’s major challenges. The ministry aims to finalize the plan with an approval by the cabinet next summer.

The Land Council, an advisory body to the minister, will review the current plan established in 2008 and develop a new one targeting the next ten years. Minister Akihiro Ota, attending the first meeting to discuss the revision on September 18, said the next decade would be critical for Japan’s future considering declining population projected to be less than 100 million in 2050. The council agreed to include policies such as integrated functions in city centers and networking local communities as well as anti-disaster measures and revitalization of local economies. (2014/9/19)