Mori Foundation’s Global Power City Index 2014: Tokyo Ranked at 4th Among 40 Cities

2014年10月31日 WorldWide


Institute for Urban Strategy, a part of Tokyo-based Mori Memorial Foundation, published its annual flagship report of 40 international cities all over the world. The organization ranked Tokyo at 4th, keeping the same position for seven years since the launch of the report. Tokyo closed the gap from No.3 Paris thanks to improved indicators in cultural interaction such as the number of foreign tourists, international conventions and high-end hotels. Considering the Japanese capital hosting the 2020 Olympic Games, visitors from outside are expected to keep increasing and it is getting more likely Tokyo will join the top three, the research institute said.

Cities ranked from 1st to 8th remains unchanged for three years. London, which took the lead over New York in 2012, the year of the Games, gained even larger gap from the other cities. Singapore, No.5 and Seoul of South Korea, No.6 narrowed the difference between Tokyo and the two cities.

Citing Tokyo’s shortcomings in market attractiveness and international transportation networks, Mr. Hiroo Ichikawa, an executive director of the foundation and a member of the committee working on the Global Power City Index 2014 expected Tokyo to overcome its challenges and to reach a higher position taking advantages of the Olympic Games. (2014/10/10)