40 Ambitious Plans Proposed To Solve Tokyo’s Challenges As Olympic Games Approaching

2014年12月22日 WorldWide


A public-private collaborative body studying solutions for urban issues of the Japanese capital amid the 2020 Olympic Games established recommendations, proposing 40 ambitious plans in such sectors as energy and transport. The group of 100-plus companies, agencies and universities will seek public-private partnership models to realize the projects.

The body, established by Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc. and joined by many construction and real estate sectors, announced the suggestions at the meeting in Tokyo on December 16. A group of companies including Tokyu Fudosan Holdings and Taisei Corp. proposed an idea to build an elevated roadway dedicated for cycling and running on existing transport networks using private finance with an aim to reduce traffic congestions and improve public health. Firms such as Kajima and Shimizu made a suggestion to establish sustainable energy networks to monitor the energy usage of the Games sports venues. (2014/12/17)