MLIT Develops Plan to Clear Major Roads When Large Quake Hits Tokyo

2015年3月5日 WorldWide


Kanto Regional Development Bureau under Japanese Land Ministry announced a plan of procedures to clear major roads of obstacles when a large-scaled earthquake hits Tokyo to enable emergency vehicles to pass through. When an earthquake of Japanese seismic scale 6-lower and stronger occurs, the bureau will remove obstacles such as abandoned cars and collapsed buildings on major streets from eight directions at the same time. The works that start from the suburbs advancing to the city center are aimed at completion within 48 hours from the disaster occurrence.

At the time of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, the Tohoku Bureau in cooperation with relevant agencies responded quickly to clear ways to the Tsunami-hit areas on the Pacific coast. The efforts are said to contribute greatly to transport of the injured and emergency relief supplies.

Based on the lessons learned from the catastophe, the Kanto Bureau established a council last year to develop a plan jointly with Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the expressway operators. The plan decides that eight designated routes are to be selected based on degree of damage promptly after the disaster. Construction companies and heavy machineries in the region will be gathered at the designated point and they will form a team to proceed the work on the street. (2015/02/23)