Infrastructure Export Targeting Russia after 1 Year Suspension Due To Political Conflict

2015年3月9日 WorldWide


Ministry of Infrastructure will resume promotion of Japanese infrastructure export to Russia after a year suspension due to political conflict. A seminar and business networking meeting will take place in March 5 in the capital to assist Japanese private sector to penetrate in the nation’s construction industry such as urban developments, sewer rehabilitation.

Themes of the event are urban development; housing development; environment. Japanese construction businesses including YKK AP, TOTO and Lixil Group will give a presentation of their products on the theme of housing development.

Russia has seen growing housing demands of both high-ends and the middle class, a MLIT official said. Japanese housing materials such as highly-efficient heat insulation products are expected to attract Russian consumers.

A Tokyo-based design firm, Nikken Sekkei will introduce Smart-City developments and public transportation-oriented developments, while IHI will talk about redevelopment of former industrial sites. Under the theme of environment, Sekisui Chemical will present sewer pipe rehabilitation method to Russian audience.  (2015/02/24)