Japan’s MLIT and Construction Industry Eyeing Infrastructure Development in East Africa

2015年3月11日 WorldWide


Japanese Ministry of Infrastructure will launch promotion of infrastructure export to East Africa in a full swing. Seminars on public-private partnership in infrastructure development will take place in July in Ethiopia and Kenya, two of the most rapidly developing countries in the region, which have experienced booming infrastructure demands. Japanese engineering technologies will be promoted at the seminar and networking opportunities are to be offered to local companies.

Chinese construction companies have gained an advantage over Japanese firms in infrastructure projects in the countries. The ministry intends to promote Japanese construction methods that are superior in quality and life cycle cost.

Ethiopia, experiencing more than 10% growth annually, aims to become a middle-income nation by 2023. The government is advancing transport infrastructure and urban development in a bid to invite foreign and domestic investment. Kenya, an economic center of the region has seen increasing infrastructure demands especially in its capital, Nairobi. (2015/02/27)