PM Shinzo Abe Lays Out Reconstruction Policy after 2016 on 4th Anniversary of 3.11 Great Earthquake in Northeast Japan

2015年3月19日 WorldWide


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe mapped out a plan to develop a five-year funding scheme by this summer to help rebuild the 2011 Great Earthquake-hit regions at the press conference on March 10, the day before the 4th anniversary of the disaster. As the designated five year period in which the government intensively assists reconstruction ends in March 2016, the administration intends to establish the new scheme starting fiscal 2016. Some of the disaster-hit municipalities are requesting the central government’s continuous assistance to fund fully reconstruction works after the intensive period is over.

To accelerate revitalization of the region that has been falling behind the other prefectures due to the nuclear crisis, PM Abe revealed the plan to locate clusters of cutting edge industries such as robotics and renewable energy in Fukushima Prefecture. Prime Minister made it clear that Tokyo will be responsible for decommission of the damaged Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant and treatment of contaminated water leaks. (2015/03/12)