Asia Pacific Construction Leaders To Gather in Tokyo in November for IFAWPCA Convention

2015年5月21日 WorldWide


International Federation of Asian & Western Pacific Contractors' Associations, IFAWPCA will hold the 42nd convention in Tokyo in November 16-19. Organized by the Overseas Construction Association of Japan, the convention will be chaired by OCAJ’s President, Toru Shiraishi. The event will take place in Japan for the first time in 20 years. 5,000 visitors from abroad and 300 from Japan will discuss international cooperation in construction businesses under the theme of Partnership and Sustainability -New Frontier for Construction Business.

IFAWPCA consists of 18 construction industry groups in Asia and Western Pacific. With an aim to facilitate cooperation and information exchange among member countries, various events such as seminars and business matching meetings will be taken place at Tokyo’s Prince Park Tower Hotel.  (2015/05/11)