Tokyo’s New National Stadium Not to Have Roof Until 2020 Olympic Games Over Due to Cost Overrun

2015年5月29日 WorldWide


The New National Stadium, a planned main venue for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games may not have a plannedretractable roof over the field during the games, Sports Minister Hakubun Shimomura said at the meeting to Tokyo Governor Yoichi Masuzoe on May 18.

As demolition of the old stadium is underway, construction of the new structure is slated to launch in October. Construction cost could surge to 250 billion yen from initially estimated 162.5 billion yen due to boosting materials and labor cost if sticking to the original plan, Tokyo Metropolitan Government says.

Minister Shimomura revealed a plan to postpone installation of the roof and to make some seats temporary ones in order to cut the expenses and construction period. He also requested that Tokyo government shoulder a part of the cost. Mr. Masuzoe did not clarify his attitude.

It was announced earlier that Taisei Corp. and Takenaka Corp. are to be commissioned to the stands section and the roof structures section respectively. (2015/05/19)