JICA to Form Rehabilitation Plan for Philippines’ Typhoon Hit Area

2014年1月16日 WorldWide


Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will provide the rehabilitation plan for a calamity area in Philippines, which experienced Typhoon Haiyan aka, Yolanda in November 2013, one of the strongest typhoons ever. Based on findings reported by the Japan Disaster Relief Expert Team dispatched on November 26, the agency will short-list specific projects and establish recovery planning for the most seriously damaged area as a model project. The project in the model region will be expanded to other areas to back up the overall rehabilitation.

The typhoon hit central Philippines in the morning of November 8, causing huge damages by storm surge and destroying 90% of houses in certain areas. Damages on infrastructure such as roads, airports, seaports, water and sewer, and power supply are significant in Leyte and Samar islands, which has seen a great number of victims.

JICA, responding to a request by the government of Philippines, sent the team to collect information on emergency needs and recovery planning. JICA decided to implement model projects in most severely hit Southern coast of Samar and the coast of San Pedro and San Pablo Bay. Two consulting services regarding the restoration support will be procured by the end of January. (2014/01/10)