Japanese Economy Ministry Forms Private-Public Body for Infrastructure Export to Asia

2015年6月30日 WorldWide


Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry established a public-private council to promote infrastructure export to Asian emerging markets mainly in energy sector. Some 40 private businesses including engineering and electronics firms and the public sector will together share information and explore cooperative businesses. One of the primary targets will be realization of thermal plant development in Indonesia.

The body was formed as part of METI’s strategy announced in May to help Japanese energy industry explore overseas markets. The plan targets at integration of Japanese advanced technologies as well as expanding public and private financing including Japanese government’s official development assistance.

Energy demands in developing countries in Asia is to increase by 80% in the next 20 years, which accompanies need of as much as one trillion dollars investment, says METI. Smart City development in India and power plant projects in Myanmar are included in the body’s plan. Member companies include: IHI, JFE Engineering, Toyo Engineering, Chiyoda, Hitachi, Toshiba, and Japan International Cooperation Agency. (2015/06/11)