After 20 Years of Construction, 160 km Road Completes in Nepali Mountains

2015年7月7日 WorldWide


The 160 km Sindhuli Road completed in March 2015 in Nepal with a grant aid of Japan, linking the capital city of Kathmandu and the Indian border. Japanese construction firm Hazama Ando contracted all the packages of the route running in the mountain area of the nation with difference in elevation of 1,000 meters. The total 4.5 million workers were involved in the project during the 20 year period.

Japan first conducted the feasibility study in 1986-88 on the request by the Nepali government. After a long suspension of the project, construction begun in 1996 sequentially in four phases.

The 36 km Section 2 took as long as 10 years of construction as it crosses the Mahabharata Range. Completion of the road reduced the travel time between Kathmandu and East Tarai from nine hours to five hours and is expected to produce 1.7 billion Rupee to the economy. The 27 billion yen grant was the largest Japan International Cooperation Agency-aided project in road sector. (2015/06/18)