Japanese Construction Technology Seminar Takes Place in Thailand

2015年10月15日 WorldWide


Seminar on Japanese Construction Technology in Thailand took place at Japanese Embassy in Bangkok in September 15-17. Organized by The Advanced Construction Technology Center, ACTEC, the event promoted Japanese construction and engineering technologies to government officials and businesses in Thailand. 13 Japanese companies introduced 18 technologies and methods.

With more than 300 attendees from Thai public organizations, construction companies and consulting firms, speeches were delivered by representatives of the construction industry in Thailand, followed by presentations of Japanese technologies. Local participants who had interests in presented technologies and methods asked for detailed information individually at the poster session held at the site.

The Japanese advanced technologies introduced at the event were categorized in five fields; earth improvement, seismic isolation and vibration control, bank protection, labor saving and anti-flooding.

ACTEC provided technical assistance to the country for disaster relief at the time of massive flooding in 2011, said Mr. Hiroyuki Morishita of ACTEC, adding that the organization has considered holding a seminar since then to promote Japanese technologies that can help prevent disasters.

“Thailand has suffered from flooding so many times that it needs to tackle the issue immediately,” said a consulting engineer of Thailand, finding some technologies very interesting.

One of the participants from the Thai government expressed a request that Japanese side promote inexpensive methods that can be adopted in cost-restrained public works next time.

“The country is expecting a series of massive projects such as subway development. It was a great opportunity for Japanese businesses to present their technology with an assistance of Japanese Embassy,” said an official of Shimizu Corp, one of the Japanese presenters. Mr. Kenji Kitahashi, Chairman of ACTEC said the body will consider holding a seminar in other countries upon request.