Top Management of Japanese Construction Industry Thinks Demands Likely To Hit Peak in 2019

2015年11月4日 WorldWide


Japanese construction market is projected to reach its peak, the survey by the Daily Engineering & Construction News revealed. The senior executives of 81 Japanese construction industry responded to the survey, projecting a downturn of investment after 2019. Many of the respondents said they are focusing on measures and strategies such as capacity development, improvement of productivity, expansion of overseas business in order to respond to changing environment and to maintain sustainable growth.

Majority of the top management surveyed answered the construction investment would “increase” or “somewhat increase” from the current level until 2019, while they predicted even severe outlook in 2020 and later. When asked how to deal with the swinging market and environment, most of the respondents selected such choices as improvement of productivity, human resources development and expansion of overseas business out of ten given choices. (2015/10/14)