Japanese Paint Maker Develops Strong Alkaline Mortar Paint That Can Prevent Virus Infection

2016年6月17日 WorldWide


Osaka-based Kansai Paint Co. announced May 20 that it will sell new anti-virus paint which can be applied on soft material such as fabric. “Ales Shikkui Montyart,” made of slaked lime shows strong alkaline when dissolved in water and weakens infectious capability of virus. The company will promote the product for medical facilities in Japan and developing countries in Africa as well.

With supervision by Professor Jiro Yasuda of Nagasaki University, effects on four kinds of virus including norovirus and ebola virus were tested, which showed effectiveness of the paint for all the kinds tested. The product can be painted on fabric such as curtains and car seats. President Hiroshi Ishino of Kansai Paint said “As Shikkui, Japanese traditional mortar paint can prevent infectious diseases, we would like to promote the product all over the world.” (2016/05/24)