MLIT Surveys Japanese Construction Companies Doing Business in Vietnam

2016年8月12日 WorldWide


More than a hundred Japanese companies have been active in Vietnamese construction market, Japanese Ministry of Infrastructure says. 69 construction contractors are members of the Japan Business Association in Vietnam, JBAV, while 30 non-member companies have businesses as well. As the country is considered as a target to promote small and medium sized Japanese construction firms’ penetration, the ministry reported advantages in Japanese technologies especially in underground work.

Vietnam recorded more than 10 billion dollars of investment in construction in 2014 and is seeing further growth. The ministry considers such works as infrastructure development funded by ODA, factory developments by Japanese companies requiring advanced technologies and high quality and underground construction in which local contractors lack expertise as possible opportunities for Japanese SMEs. Demand for underground technologies and methods for subway and sewage construction is high in particular according to the survey. The report also pointed that complicated procedure of construction permit needs to be taken care of. (2016/06/28)