JICA To Assist Vietnam’s MOC To Form Local Sewer Development Agency

2016年8月12日 WorldWide


Japan International Cooperation Agency launched a technical assistance project in sewer sector of Vietnam with an aim to establish a local public agency. JICA in cooperation with Ministry of Construction of Vietnam will form an organization in local provinces called Vietnam Sewer Center by the end of fiscal 2016, modeled on Japan Sewerage Works Agency.

JICA will prepare for establishment of the agency and study on local human resources development in the first year of the project. Pilot projects are to be conducted in the second and third year. VSA is expected to provide assistance in planning and development of sewer system to local provinces as well as research and capacity building.

While it has cooperated with such cities as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh in sewer development, JICA is looking to expand the assistance to small-mid sized cities, which lack local engineers and face issues in planning and project management. (2016/07/08)