2014 Market Outlook: Overseas Construction Association Survey

2014年2月10日 WorldWide


The Overseas Construction Association of Japan Inc. revealed the results of the questionnaire collected from member companies asking their outlook of the overseas construction market in 2014. In the circumstances of US economy’s gradual recovery, a sign of European economy’s improvement and steadily increasing infrastructure demand in Asia, a large number of the companies are looking to expansion of overseas business. Their target countries are Myanmar, Indonesia and Vietnam according to the survey.

Many respondents project that both public and private construction in emerging economies mainly in Asia will see a steady rise in demand in next three to five years and that overseas transfer and extension of production facilities outside the country by Japanese companies will be accelerated. It is predicted at the same time that the competition will get more severe. Some thinks that it is getting difficult to send personnel abroad because increasing domestic construction requires a large number of staff.

The view is largely shared that foreign businesses are aimed to expand in 2014 because the domestic market has uncertain factors such as labor shortage. Asian and Middle Eastern economies are considered full of chances due to rising infrastructure demands, while Africa is expecting 600 billion yen Official Development Assistance projects. Consuming number of the company executives sees South East Asia region as most promising. Especially Myanmar is the most targeted market based on its hopeful future economic development. (2014/02/12)