Japan to Host International Construction Convention in 2015

2014年2月27日 WorldWide


The International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors’ Associations (IFAWPCA) will hold a next convention in November 2015 in Tokyo, in which Overseas Construction Association of Japan (OCAJ) participates to communicate with other organizations on construction related issues such as public procurement and capacity building. It is likely that big projects planned in Tokyo such as sports venues building for 2020 Olympic Games and Maglev Super Express to break ground this year become topics of interest.

An upcoming conference is to be taken place in Jakarta, Indonesia in March 2-5, where President of OCAJ Toru Shiraishi will be appointed next President of IFAWPCA. OCAJ and about 15 companies of its members are scheduled to attend the meeting.

The convention planned in Tokyo next year is expected to discuss global issues regarding construction industry such as local economic development, disaster prevention and environment improvement.

IFAWPCA membership includes Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, etc. (2014/2/24)