PM Abe’s Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy Discusses Development of Infrastructure Finance Market

2014年3月3日 WorldWide


Members of Japanese Government’s Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, chaired by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, proposed to establish Asia’s largest financial market for infrastructure development by 2020. It is based on assumption that funding needs for infrastructure such as rehabilitation of ageing stocks and construction of transport networks will increase in long-term perspective. At the meeting on February 20, the market specializing in infrastructure funds which is currently under consideration by Tokyo Stock Exchange was urged to open soon. Introduction of credit fluidization method for fundraising was also encouraged.

The listed fund in the market is one of the common fundraising methods for infrastructure development outside Japan, having total capital value of 10 trillion yen in regions and countries such as Europe, US, Southeast Asia, and Korea. (2014/02/24)