Pasco, Atox, and Areva Demonstrate Un-Manned Chopper Radioactivity Measurement in Fukushima

2014年3月26日 WorldWide


Japanese top geospatial surveying firm, Pasco Corp., a nuclear power plant service supplier, Atox Co. and French nuclear giant, Areva jointly developed radioactivity measurement technology using an un-manned helicopter. A Global Positioning System (GPS) installed chopper measures radiation level of the contaminated land and maps collected data integrating the dosage with the position. The companies will propose the technology to the local administrations.

The demonstration took place on March 18 in Naraha Town, Fukushima located 15km from the Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant. The helicopter equipped with devices such as a radiation detector, and GPS hovered in the park and collected data. A minute measurement at 10 meter high from the ground covers 100m2 areas. It is expected that the system will be effectively used in the restricted area such as forests and slopes. (2014/03/19)