IHI to promote diversity in human resources aiming at over 75 female managers by 2018

2013年10月16日 WorldWide


IHI Corporation announced its policy on diversity in human resourcesthat it will increase female managers to more than 75 and executives to more than one by FY 2018.Recruiting more highly capable female employees and creating work environment and corporate culturepreferable for women are targeted for the company’s further growth.

IHI currently employs 44 female managers, only 1.6 % of all managing positions. It aims to pull up to more than 55, 2% in 2015 and to more than 75, 3% in 2018. The number of female executives, who has never existed, is to be improved to more than one by 2018.M

Various kinds of actions have been undertaken to help female workers make full use of their abilities. Young women in management gather at meetings to share their information and problems. The company holds seminars only for female students recruiting excellent science-major female employees in addition to preparing special recruiting brochures for women and accepting more female interns.

Employees who have to leave the company because of marriage or nursing the elderly and wishes re-hiring when they come back in labor force in the future can register in the system called “Career Turn Entry System.”The workers can apply for the system started this month when they meet the requirements, which can be a trigger to higher motivation of female employees. (2013/10/10)