Japan’s Ruling Party Proposes Enhancement of Foreign Labor Participation

2014年4月4日 WorldWide


The Liberal Democratic Party, Japan’s administration party revealed on March 26 its proposal for exceptional measures to promote foreign labor participation in Japanese construction workforce. The suggestion includes special measures such as additional permission of residence to trainees who completed the designated three-year period. The administration has discussed countermeasures against labor shortage in the construction industry to meet temporarily increasing demand toward the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Aiming at sustainable economic growth with the shrinking and ageing population, the LDP reviews the training system of foreign workers. The report suggests the government should permit the two year extension of the current three year training period as well as re-entry after completing the first training.

Some fear that the increase of foreign workers could affect domestic labor conditions such as income level, skill succession, and public security. In order to respond to them, the party urges the government to establish measures such as more effective managing system and communication in trainees’ native languages. (2014/03/27)